Golden Koh F2 Spore Syringe


Each spore syringe is 10 mL and comes capped with a separate sterile 18 g needle. Each syringe comes with a collector’s card print out that has the batch date the syringe was produced.
Spores are for microscopy/art/collection purposes only as specified in the TOS.

Click the product page for full description of variety/species and details about history of this variety/species.

Out of stock

SKU: 676 Category: Tag:


Update late March 2024- The last batch of Golden Koh F2 was made recently. Golden Koh F2 will sell out in the next 1-4 weeks. Be sure to add Golden Koh F2 to your spore collection now as it is unclear when it will be available again in spore syringe form.
Add a Golden Koh F2 spore syringe directly to your order as it is no longer available as vendor’s choice, or in Vendor’s Choice Packs, but it will be included in the Vendor’s Choice and Full Libraries until it sells out.

Psilocybe cubensis var “Golden Koh” is a cross between Golden Halo and Koh Samui Super Strain. This is an unstable variety as the spores are only F2. The cross seems to be canonical, the spores are purple and are NOT the golden/brown of Golden Halo and the phenotype of KSSS does not seem to be present. This is a strain worth having in your library to catalogue the start of a potentially interesting stable future variety- the F3s should show some Golden Halo and KSSS phenotypes.


All spore syringes are for microscopy/art/collection purposes only.
Each spore syringe is 10 mL and comes capped with a separate sterile 18 g needle.
Each syringe comes with a collector’s card print out that has the batch date the syringe was produced.
Due to environmental, genetic, and other conditions, the phenotype contained within the spores may be different than the collector’s card image. All varieties, especially mutant ones, are vetted to ensure the correct genetics are being sold.

Additional information

Weight 30 g

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
spore scanning reveries

Thankful for the invention of lenses, scoping these tiny beauties I was struck by how much they look like pumpkin (squash) seeds, yet another excellent example regarding ways in which patterns repeat in our strange and infinite universe.

They remind me as well of Aboriginal artwork, the exquisite fluidity of multitudinous and colorful specks, I too little more or even less than a speck on this earth afloat within this strange mostly emptiness of vast starry space.

If it were possible, I'd give this item (which is actually many) all those stars, but today only the available 5 will have to suffice. In any case, I highly recommend you, the current reader whoever you are, to also seriously consider checking out this item and share in its pleasures.